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Through the Glass Page 7
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Page 7
The stunning and in-demand village church had been booked for the wedding ceremony, thanks to the connections of one Edgar Johnston-Hart. The beautiful building wasn’t huge but it held a special place in the hearts of the family, and Flick could think of nowhere else she would rather marry her darling Jim.
The service was booked for noon on a chilly September Saturday. Flick couldn’t feel the cold. She was too excited. Thankfully, the sun made an early appearance and set a warm glow about the place, even though no one could feel the benefit of its radiating heat, just the colours made it feel warmer. The bridesmaids wore long sumptuous, burgundy gowns and carried white and burgundy roses tied with white ribbon. All four were friends of Flick’s from school and University. They looked stunning.
The white Rolls Royce had already taken the bridesmaids and Flick’s sobbing mother to the church, and it now returned to take her on her way to becoming a married woman.
There had been much debate about her name and whether she would take Jim’s as her own. Her mother was totally against it. She did make one valid point, however, that the Johnston-Hart name carried a certain amount of weight and that her Felicity was already building up a reputation using her maiden name as an art dealer at Art and Soul, a small but well thought of gallery on the outskirts of London.
Jim had been hurt. He’d wanted her to be Mrs. Felicity MacDuff, but after a lot of cajoling by her mother, Flick agreed that it would be best for her to keep her own name. Jim had reluctantly acquiesced, simply because he desired her happiness above all else. “It’s not as if I won’t wear a ring, for goodness sake, Jim, and I will be Mrs. Johnston-Hart,” she had told him. And so that was that. Mrs. Felicity Johnston-Hart she would become. She couldn’t be happier. Jim could.
“I now pronounce you, husband and wife.” The Vicar concluded the beautiful ceremony, and Jim couldn’t wait to kiss his new bride. She beamed from ear to ear as he took her in his arms. The congregation applauded and cheered as the newlywed couple shared their first passionate embrace as Mr. and Mrs. They walked down the aisle hand in hand and gazing at each other, only breaking away to shake hands with well-wishing guests.
Flick’s mother continued to sob.
The honeymoon was an exciting dual destination holiday. Florida’s Disney World for the first week, where they met all the famous characters and tried every single ride on the insistence of Jim who was having a roaring time reverting back to childhood. They left with bags full of soft toys and lots of wonderful memories.
The second week was spent in a beautiful villa at Naples Beach. The villa was a one story white house with a stunning outdoor pool. The interior floors were tiled in white marble, and the furniture was plush and luxurious in shades of cream, beige, and white. It was like a little piece of heaven.
They spent the week by the pool, lounging lazily and eating fresh fruit. When they weren’t by the pool they were making love in every possible place around the villa. It was magical. The large whirlpool bath had been their favourite place to make love and they had spent almost every evening in there. Jim had joked that they would wash their golden tans away if they weren’t careful.
Flick looked amazing in her skimpy red bikini and huge sun hat. Her long tanned legs stretched out before her. Her curves visible for Jim’s eyes only. It was the final day of their wonderful honeymoon and every moment in this private villa was precious. He had to work hard to restrain himself as he gazed at her longingly from under his shades. He closed his eyes and relaxed on his lounger, a contented smile on his face and his bare chest soaking up the sun’s rays. Suddenly, something was blocking out the light, and he opened his eyes, ready to complain, but reined himself in when he snapped his head up to see his beautiful new bride gazing down at him.
She had removed her sunglasses and hat and looked down lustfully at him as she slowly removed her bikini top. Suddenly, his whole body stood to attention. His contented smile was replaced by a lascivious gawp. She threw the scanty item to one side and tugged on the ties at her hips, teasing him. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple dancing the tango in his throat. She pulled the little triangle of fabric off and discarded it along with the top. She stood, completely naked before him. Jim’s breathing became shallow, and his arousal was clearly evident in the thin fabric of his swim shorts.
Bending, she grasped the waistband of his shorts and slipped them down his hips, brushing her fingers gently over his skin, over his buttocks, and down his legs, making him spring free. She smiled and straddled the lounger, bending once again to kiss him deeply before positioning herself and taking him in, her hands stroking his pecs. His hands found her hips and he grasped her, relishing the feeling of being deep inside the woman he adored. She moved on him, groaning and throwing her head back as he fondled her breasts, raising up to take each one in his mouth and worshipping it reverently.
The excitement of being outside in the open made their movements urgent and needy. She scratched lightly down his back as she stroked him on and on with her body. The heat was rising and the pleasure building, their breathing became erratic and their touching rougher as they both soared toward ecstasy. He found her tender spot and caressed her, increasing the pressure infinitesimally until she called out his name, her orgasm taking hold and shooting her somewhere toward the stars. Hearing, feeling and seeing her climax, he ascended to join her, calling out her name as he landed amongst the clouds.
They lay huddled together, naked on the lounger for a while after, holding each other and basking in the glow of the warm Florida sunshine.
The return home was tinged with the sadness of leaving their little cocoon for two, but Jim was excited, too, at beginning their new life as a married couple. Once they had slept off the time difference, they began the delightful task of opening their gifts. Their wedding list had been placed between the most prestigious stores in London. Although certain people had completely ignored the list, buying the most bizarre gifts imaginable. They laughed hysterically at the matching bedside lamps adorned with shells and plastic fish.
“Charity shop!” they had said in unison.
The weird ornament of a bull was a puzzler. The book entitled How To Let Go When Things Don’t Work Out had no gift tag but was completely inappropriate, given the reason for the gift. Surely it was a practical joke? Although Jim had his suspicions.
Monday came and it was back to work for Flick. She was quite excited about going back. There had been several new and exciting artists invited to show their works at Art and Soul, thanks to Flick. She was looking forward to seeing how it was all going. As the newest member of the team, she was determined to make a good impression. It seemed to be working.
She bent to kiss Jim, as he lay naked in their bed while she got ready. He grabbed her arm and pulled her onto him.
“Awww, Flick, come back to bed… I want you.” He groaned.
She was wearing a sexy sharp suit, partly because she knew it would drive Jim wild. She had braided her long wavy locks in one long strand down her back.
Jim looked sulkily up at his wife. Stunning as ever, he wanted to untie the braid and let the hair fall onto his face as she straddled him like the time on the sun lounger.
“Jiiiiim, I have to go.” She tried to pull away. “We’ve had our fun this morning…now it’s time for me to go bring home the bacon.” She giggled.
Jim was supposed to be job hunting, as spending the past few years of being a freelance proofreader were not really what either of them had wanted. The money was good but it didn’t feel like a secure income. He wasn’t good at job hunting, however, and he had been visiting The Book Depository so often he had become like the old wing backed chair—part of the furniture of the place. Charles and he had started to have a laugh and a joke like old friends. He had even helped answer the telephone one morning whilst Charles had been busy.
“I will get a job,
I promise.” Jim kissed Flick’s shoulder as she leaned on him.
“I know you will, when the right thing comes along. But until then, I expect you naked waiting for me when I get home.” She licked his lips, her tongue dipping into his mouth. He groaned and flung himself back onto the bed. She rushed out the door before he could convince her otherwise.
After he had showered and dressed, Jim headed for The Book Depository. He vowed with himself that he would have an hour there and then he would go to the Job Centre. Just the thought of that was enough to put him in a bad mood though. He hopped on the tube for the short journey to the shop.
It was late September following the honeymoon and there was the nip of autumn in the air. He arrived at the shop at around ten to find Charles in a flap about some book delivery that had gone completely belly up. Jim walked in as Charles was trying to sort the matter out on the phone.
“I am bloody annoyed though, Simeon! This can’t keep bloody happening! I am up to my bloody eyes in it, old chap! I simply cannot keep accepting books I haven’t bloody ordered!” Charles barked at the man at the other end of the line.
A customer walked in and began to browse. Jim stepped from foot to foot feeling he should do something. Suddenly, the customer approached him.
“Ermmm, excuse me. I’m looking for a first edition of The Velveteen Rabbit. Would you happen to have a copy? I know it’s a long shot but it’s my wife’s favourite book and it’s our tenth wedding anniversary. I want to get her something special that she’ll treasure, and I would love to get her that particular book. But I would really rather have a first edition. It’d be all the more special.” The man rambled at Jim who was not even an employee.
“I’m sorry mate but I don’t actually work here… It’s…Charles…there…that you need to speak to.” Jim felt guilty as he gestured toward the now red-faced and flailing shop owner. Charles placed his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone.
“Jim, you’re hired! Start now!” Charles snapped in a loud, hoarse whisper at the bewildered Scotsman. It had come up in conversation a while ago that Jim was looking for work, but this was unexpected.
“Oh…oh right…great!” A grin spread across Jim’s face almost splitting it in two. “Right then, sir. First edition…Velveteen Rabbit… I think we may have just the thing.” He showed the relieved customer to a cabinet where all the first editions were kept and unlocked it with the key he had grabbed from the cash desk.
The customer left with a huge grin on his face, but it was nothing compared to the one on Jim’s as he realised he had just, inadvertently, acquired his dream job and made his first—very lucrative—sale.
Charles hung up the phone and let out a huge sigh. “Some bloody people should bloody well learn to do their bloody job’s properly!” he shouted. Jim just stood there with his grin still fixed in place. Charles looked at Jim and burst into fits of laughter. “I have never seen anyone so bloody happy to be working in a dusty old bookshop.” When he calmed down he managed to say to Jim, “Welcome a-bloody-board, Jim. And thank bloody goodness you didn’t bloody say no!”
“Not a bloody chance!” Jim laughed. “Right, what you want me to do first, boss?” he asked Charles, who was dabbing tears from his eyes with a navy and red spotted handkerchief and still spitting out a chuckle every few seconds.
“Oh…I don’t know… I’ve never had an employee before. Shall we have a coffee and discuss your terms?”
“I’ll get us a coffee,” Jim enthusiastically chimed, walking over to the machine, which stood on an old dark wood table in the corner of the shop.
The shop wasn’t huge but consisted of two rooms filled with second hand and antique books. There was shelf upon shelf, floor to ceiling, all crammed full. The smell was a damp and fusty one, but Jim loved it. Each and every book had its own history, and Jim liked to imagine how many people had read each one; how many different owners each had had; how each person had come to own and then let go of each book; and how each book had affected each reader. It was a fascinating place.
There were two very old armchairs. One was an old beaten up wingback chair, something akin to that which one would find in a Gentleman’s club. It was once bright gold and burgundy when its tapestry fabric had been brand new. Now, however, it was frayed and the pattern had rubbed off in lots of places. Jim loved it because it was so very comfy and had character befitting of such a treasure trove where any bibliophile would feel at home. It was as if a thousand people had all imprinted themselves on it, making it squashy and moulded perfectly to the right shape. The other chair was an old leather armchair which creaked and groaned when sat upon. It was still a comfy chair but not quite the same as his chair, as he now called it.
Charles had reluctantly joined the 21st century and bought a digital cash register. But it was hidden around a rack of shelving, away from view, as if Charles was ashamed of its very presence in the shop. Admittedly, it’s not quite as pretty as the old antique push button thing, but it certainly makes life easier and is quieter to use!
Jim arrived at home before Flick, but he had called at the little supermarket near home and picked up some chicken, salad, French bread, and a bottle of wine to celebrate his good news. Flick walked in at six looking exhausted. Dinner was ready and Jim had laid the table placing candles in the middle. It all looked very romantic. Her eyes lit up when she saw what he’d done.
“Jim? What’s all this?” she asked hugging her man tightly.
“I’ve got good news.” He could hardly contain his excitement as he spun her around in the small hallway.
“What? What is it?!” She grabbed onto him, pulling at his shirt.
“Go get changed into something comfortable, before I ravish you and I forget, and come down to eat. All will be revealed!” He ushered his beautiful wife up the stairs as he spoke. Whist she was gone he sat at the little table in their lounge/dining room tapping his fingers in eager anticipation of her return. She joined him and as always took his breath away. She wore pale blue, checked pyjama bottoms and a grey off the shoulder sweater, bare feet and her long corn coloured, wavy hair scrunched up on top of her head accentuating her sensual long neck. Wow, he thought, wow.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked, a blush spreading up her chest and into her cheeks as he stared.
“Flick…you are simply exquisite,” he breathed. She gasped at his words and immediately came to straddle him on his dining chair, kissing him as she did so.
“Okay, handsome, what’s your exciting news?” she asked as she stared lovingly into his eyes.
“Weeeell…. I got me a job!” He grinned.
“Really?! That’s fantastic! I didn’t even know you had any interviews lined up. You kept that very quiet. Is it in the city?...Wa-wa-wait…let me guess! Is it with a publishing house?...Nonononono…is it with a Literary Agency?...Oh I give up! Tellmetellmetellme!” She bounced up and down on his lap. He began to feel like he was about to disappoint her. He had graduated with a First from Oxford and had such potential after all. Everyone said so.
“Erm…no…none of those.” He sighed.
“Okay, so where?” She scrunched her face in apparent confusion.
“Well, you know that I go to that little book shop…The Book Depository?”
“Yesss?” Flick looked confused still.
“Well, Charles the owner just gave me a job completely out of the blue! Isn’t that great?” He was now trying to convince them both.
“Oh right. Sorry I thought you meant a job-job. I didn’t realise you meant a stepping stone. You had me all excited then. That’s great, sweetie. It’ll certainly put you on for a while whilst you’re looking for something permanent,” she chimed, kissing him on the nose and climbing off his lap.
“Hmmm…yes…it will,” he mumbled, not daring to tell her that this was all he had ever wanted.
Chapter 6
January 2007 — Twenty-five Months Before the Break-up
“It is with grea
t pleasure, therefore, ladies and gentlemen that I introduce to you, our newest team member and exceptional art critic, buyer, and discoverer of unique talent, Felicity Johnston-Hart.” Applause rumbled around the room as Felicity took the microphone from Franco Nilsson, her new employer.
“Many thanks, Franco…ahem… This year has been quite a year, to say the least.” She smiled at her audience. “I was delighted when Julian Forster was awarded the Carlson Art prize as it meant that all our hard work had paid off. Julian is a most talented and prolific artist, and I was proud to be the one who discovered him and presented him to the world. Julian will now go on to display at the Tate and has been offered space at Le Louvre for a short time to see how his work is received there.
“When Franco Nilsson and Daniel Perkins made contact with me and offered me the position of International Art Dealer here at this most prestigious of companies, I jumped at the chance. I’m happy to say that the proprietors of Art and Soul gave their blessing and full support to this next chapter of my life. I’m very excited to be embarking upon such a wonderful journey here at Nilsson-Perkins and look forward to encouraging you all to buy art in the near future.” A chuckle from the audience was followed by applause.
Jim stood at the back, observing proceedings from a safe distance. He had worn the grey suit Flick had chosen for him at some expensive designer shop. He had protested about a tie and she had relented. So there he stood, shaggy, shoulder length brown hair, neatly pulled back into a ponytail, stubble trimmed to designer level, waistcoat fully buttoned, jacket open, white shirt open at the collar. He felt trussed up like a Christmas turkey. It wasn’t his favourite look. But he had done it for Flick.
He listened as she spoke eloquently about her new role and her excitement about the fact that one of her hand-picked artists had won such a prestigious award. He felt proud but detached. Flick had been spending more and more time away. Paris. New York. Milan. He was happy for her and outwardly supported her every venture. He just felt like he was becoming a square peg in the round hole of her new life.